Seawatch, 13 November 2015

Friday the 13th brought us luck, and a lot of it, in the form of Franklin's Gulls. These usually rare vagrants to the East Coast had an invasion like none we have ever seen before. The Avalon Seawatch had 73 all day, but over 350 were estimated to be around Cape May County. For more information of the Franklin's Gull phenomenon, visit the View From the Cape blog at:

Counter: Skye Haas
Total for the day: 8,024
Total birds for the season: 499,456

11/13Season Totals
ABDU - American Black Duck6708
AMOY - American Oystercatcher28479
AMWI - American Wigeon2197
BAEA - Bald Eagle130
BBPL - Black-bellied Plover231,503
BLSC - Black Scoter34434,663
BOGU - Bonaparte's Gull2433
BRAN - Brant153,128
BUFF - Bufflehead5383
COLO - Common Loon131,143
DCCO - Double-crested Cormorant519172,295
DUNL - Dunlin1302,376
DWSC-SP - Surf/Black (Dark-winged) Scoter Species76233,875
FOTE - Forster's Tern43716,281
FRGU - Franklin's Gull7373
GADW - Gadwall469
GBBG - Great Black-backed Gull18942
GLSC - Greater/Lesser Scaup7979
GRCO - Great Cormorant172
GRYE - Greater Yellowlegs25
GWTE - Green-winged Teal1687,073
HERG - Herring Gull284,341
LAGU - Laughing Gull28432,815
LBBG - Lesser Black-backed Gull241
LESC - Lesser Scaup11646
LTDU - Long-tailed Duck1118
MALL - Mallard554
MONARCH - Monarch Butterfly1--
NOGA - Northern Gannet33162,019
NOPI - Northern Pintail51,078
PAJA - Parasitic Jaeger2594
PUSA - Purple Sandpiper851
RBGU - Ring-billed Gull721,773
RBME - Red-breasted Merganser8219
REKN - Red Knot18235
ROYT - Royal Tern22,292
RTLO - Red-throated Loon4014,659
RUTU - Ruddy Turnstone13119
SCOTER-SP - Scoter Species918,495
SUSC - Surf Scoter4,24674,517
TUVU - Turkey Vulture664
WODU - Wood Duck3818
WWSC - White-winged Scoter9144