Light east winds, combined with fog and haze, made for another relatively quiet morning atop the Higbee Dike. We enjoyed a few small pulses of migrants, with a predictable warbler scene containing Black-and-white, American Redstart, and Northern Waterthrush. Perhaps the high point came when a Prothonotary Warbler made a brief but close pass right over our heads. Bobolinks were steadily moving south, with a few small flocks also moving north.
"Non-count" highlights included a fly-by Wilson's Phalarope, 2000+ Common Green Darners, and a light movement of Purple Martins.
Some totals:
American Redstart (24)
Cape May Warbler (2)
Magnolia Warbler
Northern Waterthrush (17)
Prothonotary Warbler (1)
Bobolink (759)