Hawkwatch - Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Cape May Point, New Jersey 
Daily Raptor Counts: Sep 12, 2018

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                0              0              0
Turkey Vulture               0             81             81
Osprey                      53            797            797
Bald Eagle                   2             44             44
Northern Harrier             3             42             42
Sharp-shinned Hawk           0              2              2
Cooper's Hawk                2             36             36
Northern Goshawk             0              0              0
Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              0
Broad-winged Hawk            1             13             13
Red-tailed Hawk              0              7              7
Rough-legged Hawk            0              0              0
Golden Eagle                 0              0              0
American Kestrel             2            135            135
Merlin                       4             42             42
Peregrine Falcon            14             52             52
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              0
Unknown Buteo                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              0              0

Total:                      81           1251           1251

Observation start time: 06:00:00 
Observation end   time: 16:00:00 
Total observation time: 10 hours

Official Counter:        Tom Reed 


Dense fog during AM, with partial clearing during PM. Winds E/SE 5-10mph,

Raptor Observations:
Some Osprey and Peregrines moving once skies cleared a bit during the

Non-raptor Observations:
Glossy Ibis 27, Double-crested Cormorant 12, Black-bellied Plover 2,
Whimbrel (American) 2, Ruddy Turnstone 1, Least Sandpiper 2, Semipalmated
Sandpiper 46, Western Sandpiper 1, Solitary Sandpiper 3, Lesser Yellowlegs
20, Willet 1, Greater Yellowlegs 9, Caspian Tern 1, Ruby-throated
Hummingbird 5, Bobolink 30, Northern Waterthrush 3

Dense fog during AM, with showers/t-storms possible. Winds NE 15-20mph.