Avalon Seawatch - Sunday, September 23nd, 2018

After a pretty good day yesterday, today was very slow thanks to a constant stream of rain.  NE winds pushed some dabbling ducks, mostly more Northern Pintail, south again today, but further offshore.  This is about a week earlier than when I started seeing dabbling duck flocks year!

The first Surf Scoter of the season went by today, but was unfortunately going north!  Also of interested was a single Belted Kingfisher coming off the water, and a flock of 11 Great Blue Herons heading south.

Only 60 Black Scoter and 144 Double-crested Cormorants were counted today, but the rain caused some bad visibility, so it's possible there were more out there that went by unseen, or that they all landed somewhere to wait out the rain!  There was also a noticeable movement of Laughing Gulls, which will only increase as the season continues and it gets colder.

Although there is more rain in the forecast, please come on out and see Tom Reed, who counts on Mondays and Tuesdays!

Total count over at Trektellen.
