Morning Flight, two-week report, 13-26 September 2017

After a two week gap in reports from Morning Flight, let's resume, and recount the birds and their movements past the Higbee dike. 103 species of landbirds have been counted since the start on 16 August. 18 of 103 had their season peak day, only thus far, during this period of 13-26 September. This relative minority helps point out that the most diverse neotropical species-heavy days are likely almost all behind us, and many of the more recent 18 peaks are of new species arriving. Woodpeckers, especially Northern (Yellow-shafted) Flicker, Eastern Phoebe, and Palm Warbler were building and are well on the move now. 

Northeasterly winds dominated the time period with 3 days of a western wind component excepted, though only one of the four significant flights happened to coincide with a NNW wind, whereas the other three happened with light, variable NNE-ENE winds. Most nights' radar featured evidence of moderate movement inland and along the coast. the influence of storms on the area's winds from the ocean didn't fully block inland northwesterly cold fronts from interacting with much coastal north wind and high pressure. All in all these conditions made for a goos sampling of morning flight species and behaviors even with relatively lower numbers than previous big events of this season. The peak flight of the last two weeks occurred on 21 September with 1250 individuals counted. 

Since the 21st the most abundant warbler each day has been Northern Parula with a sampling of counts: 80, 34, 100, 215, 21, 4. Palm Warbler is the next species expected to overshadow NOPA soon. Less common and sought-after species these two weeks have included Worm-eating Warbler, Dickcissel, Connecticut Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, season first American Pipit, Ruby-crowned Kinglet (in good numbers!), Golden-crowned Kinglet, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Yellow-throated and Warbling Vireos. 

The lists start here and can be followed up to present:

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