Morning Flight, 20 September 2016

Although a full cold front didn't push through after a conveniently-timed >2 inches of rain touched down yesterday mid-morning through the rest of the day, enough of a migratory pulse was sent coastward to be picked up at the morning flight count.  

22 Northern Parula and 15 Blackpoll Warblers led the northbound charge along with 12 other warbler spp. (multiple species) such as Tennessee, Blackburnian, and Yellow-rumped. A lone Cape May Warbler hopped treetops south just like yesterday.  Two Least Flycatcher was at least a little unexpected.  Bobolinks numbered 71/13 north/south.  It turned out to be avery very productive morning to 18 visitors from 5 different countries (Canada, Spain/Gibraltar, Finland, United Kingdom, and of course the USA!) Thanks to Interpretive Naturalist Jessie for manning the Morning Flight platform this AM.