Seawatch, 2 December 2015

A close-to-shore Great Shearwater (only the third of the season) made for a great highlight on Wednesday up at the Avalon Seawatch. 
Counter: Skye Haas
Total for the day: 9,603
Total birds for the season: 850,741

12/2Season Totals
BBPL - Black-bellied Plover31,551
BLSC - Black Scoter272113,091
BOGU - Bonaparte's Gull351,658
COEI - Common Eider446
COLO - Common Loon101,814
DCCO - Double-crested Cormorant17186,820
DUNL - Dunlin603,817
DWSC-SP - Surf/Black (Dark-winged) Scoter Species43871,607
FOTE - Forster's Tern1518,253
GBBG - Great Black-backed Gull311,249
GRSC - Greater Scaup6555
GRSH - Great Shearwater13
GWTE - Green-winged Teal910,186
HERG - Herring Gull587,466
LAGU - Laughing Gull736,883
LESC - Lesser Scaup7878
LTDU - Long-tailed Duck2294
NOGA - Northern Gannet3,35092,867
NOPI - Northern Pintail11,157
NSHO - Northern Shoveler1130
PAJA - Parasitic Jaeger1625
PEFA - Peregrine Falcon141
PUSA - Purple Sandpiper46379
RBGU - Ring-billed Gull4410,487
RBME - Red-breasted Merganser11,039
RTLO - Red-throated Loon4,08781,006
RUTU - Ruddy Turnstone1196
SAVS - Savannah Sparrow147
SCOTER-SP - Scoter Species94556,572
SUSC - Surf Scoter110116,094
UNDU - Duck Species352,280
WILL - Willet17
WWSC - White-winged Scoter3464

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