Sea Watch Monday November 2, 2009

Another fun day at Avalon, highlighted once again by the diversity of species. The single species highlight was a Pacific Loon which flew by headed south just past the rips shortly before noon, but there were also season firsts of Red-necked Grebe (1), and Bufflehead (12), and the count of 41 Common Eider was very good. Greater Scaup and Ring-billed Gull were also around in interesting numbers, and the morning Scoter flight was good. Here's hoping that tomorrow can match today.

Location: Avalon Seawatch
Observation date: 11/2/09
Notes: NNE Wind, scattered drizzles. Limited afternoon visibility.
Number of species: 37

Brant (Atlantic) 53
Wood Duck 43
Gadwall 1
American Black Duck 1
Green-winged Teal 81
Greater Scaup 71
Lesser Scaup 9
Common Eider 41
Surf Scoter 9658
White-winged Scoter 28
Black Scoter 2877
dark-winged scoter sp. 1484
Long-tailed Duck 3
Bufflehead 12
Red-breasted Merganser 8
Red-throated Loon 206
Pacific Loon 1
Common Loon 13
Red-necked Grebe 1
Northern Gannet 1151
Double-crested Cormorant 2495
Great Cormorant 7
American Coot 1

Semipalmated Plover 3
American Oystercatcher 17
Sanderling 20
Dunlin 145
Laughing Gull 6
Ring-billed Gull 189
Herring Gull 25
Great Black-backed Gull 9
Royal Tern 4

Golden-crowned Kinglet 2
American Robin 5
European Starling X
White-throated Sparrow 2
Northern Cardinal X
House Sparrow X