Red-throated Loons (what else?) were again the dominant species today, with decent showings for both of the dark-winged scoters, though Gannets were noticeably absent for the most part. Gulls were again well represented, with the season's first Iceland Gull being a highlight. A late-morning Razorbill was the ninth recorded this season.
Conditions look somewhat similar for tomorrow, and it will be interesting to see if the flight is also similar to today's.
Brant - 31
American Black Duck - 3
Green-winged Teal - 11
Greater Scaup - 3
Surf Scoter - 1,264
White-winged Scoter - 50
Black Scoter - 1,814
dark-winged scoter - 327
scoter, sp. - 19
Long-tailed Duck - 23
Red-breasted Merganser - 43
Red-throated Loon - 2,220
Common Loon - 3
Horned Grebe - 6
Northern Gannet - 442
Double-crested Cormorant - 12
Laughing Gull - 15
Bonaparte's Gull - 375
Ring-billed Gull - 126
Herring Gull - 50
Iceland Gull - 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 3
Great Black-backed Gull - 9
Razorbill - 1
(Total = 6,851)
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