My time at the Seawatch ended with pleasant weather and a respectable late-season flight today. A couple lingering Forster's Terns and a few Common Goldeneye complemented a small early morning surge of Red-throated Loons, which just don't seem to stop moving.
This seems a fitting time to thank the many people who supplied assistance to this year's Seawatch season. Whether it was help with counting on the big flights, or supplying food and coffee, or just keeping me company on the slow days, it was all appreciated very much. Thank you.
However, the season isn't quite over yet! Tom Magarian will wrap things up tomorrow and Thursday, so make sure to stop by and get your last dose of seawatching for 2011. If nothing else, go check out the Common Eider flock, which has grown to over 50 birds and is providing great and close looks from the seawall.
Canada Goose - 41
American Black Duck - 12
Surf Scoter - 145
White-winged Scoter - 7
Black Scoter - 226
dark-winged scoter - 109
scoter, sp. - 81
Long-tailed Duck - 57
Bufflehead - 8
Common Goldeneye - 4
Hooded Merganser - 2
Red-breasted Merganser - 11
Red-throated Loon - 865
Common Loon - 2
Northern Gannet - 94
Bonaparte's Gull - 55
Ring-billed Gull - 107
Forster's Tern - 2
(Total = 1,828)