It was a beautiful day at Avalon today, and for once good weather was accompanied by a good flight. Species that were moving all day (to the musical sounds of the local Long-tailed Ducks for a good portion of it) included Red-throated Loons, Northern Gannets, American Black Ducks, Scoters, and Oldsquaws themselves. There was also a nice pickup of White-winged Scoters at the end of the day which included at least 3 double digit flocks. Horned Grebes continued their late straggle, and hopefully it's a sign that other late-season movers (i.e. Razorbills and White-winged Gulls) will be here shortly. On the "not-counted but still of interest" front the aggregation of Purple Sandpipers making the rounds of the area jetties has now reached 34 individuals. The only notable raptors were singles of Merlin and Peregrine Falcon.
Location: Avalon Seawatch
Observation date: 12/14/09
Number of species: 39
Brant 4
Canada Goose 27
American Wigeon 3
American Black Duck 225
Mallard 41
Green-winged Teal 5
dabbling duck sp. 4
Greater Scaup 1
Lesser Scaup 2
Aythya sp. 53
Common Eider 5
Surf Scoter 605
White-winged Scoter 66
Black Scoter 225
dark-winged scoter sp. 51
scoter sp. 143
Long-tailed Duck 73
Hooded Merganser 3
Red-breasted Merganser 20
duck sp. 98
Red-throated Loon 2599
Common Loon 15
Horned Grebe 4
Northern Gannet 1982
Double-crested Cormorant 89
Great Cormorant 2
Great Blue Heron 4
Turkey Vulture 4
Merlin 1
Peregrine Falcon 1
American Oystercatcher 1
Sanderling 8
Purple Sandpiper 34
Dunlin 6
Bonaparte's Gull 69
Ring-billed Gull 104
Herring Gull 1172
Great Black-backed Gull 59
gull sp. 4
Rock Pigeon X
European Starling X
Yellow-rumped Warbler 3
White-throated Sparrow 1
Boat-tailed Grackle 9
House Sparrow 8
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